Please direct any Board enquiries to:
Michelle Ewington - President
Michelle has extensive experience working in community development at grassroots and strategic levels. In June 2023, she was Awarded an Order of Australia medal for services to communities.
Highly experienced with over 15 years board experience on three peak bodies - Volunteering Australia (2013-2021, Chair 2018-2021), Volunteering Tasmania (Director and Chair 2008-2018), and Australian Children’s Contact Services Association (ACCSA) (current Co-convenor). She has led major governance reform from a representative board to independent skills-based board at Volunteering Australia. ACCSA is also re-visioning its strategic purpose under Michelle’s leadership.
Mark Mason - Vice President
Mark is CEO of Speak Out Association of Tasmania. Prior to joining Speak Out, Mark was the State Manager of Community Engagement, Addictions and Financial Counselling at Anglicare Tasmania and has held various leadership, management and policy related positions in the Tasmanian State Service and the Private Sector.
Mark has extensive experience working on boards, he is currently serving on the Inclusion Australia Board as well as the NHT Board.
Mark holds a Bachelor of Arts with Professional Honours in Public Sector Leadership and Management and is a graduate of the Tasmanian Leaders Program (2008).
Luke Ogden - Public Officer
Luke is a criminal lawyer, who currently works as Crown Counsel at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. He conducts criminal trials, hearings and bail applications on behalf of the State of Tasmania in the Supreme and Magistrates Courts.
He has been a Director of Epilepsy Tasmania since 2019 and is currently the Chair of the Board’s Finance and Risk Management Committee. Since 2018 he has been the legal sector representative on the Australian Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Advisory Committee, Tasmania.
He has also been involved in a number of other community organisations both in southern Tasmania, where he currently lives, and in north-west Tasmania, where he grew up.
Sue Howard
Sue has senior leadership government experience, having worked as the Deputy Director Operations at Service Tasmania, Department Premier and Cabinet (DPaC) for three years.. In this role she oversaw 27 service centres and government contact centres statewide. She completed the ANZSOG Tasmanian Senior Executive program in 2019, and was also the DPaC representative on Future Impact Group for Collective Impact in George Town. Prior to this, she worked in libraries and took part in Burnie Works. She is currently a Senior Officer for the Workforce Coordination Project - Community Services Industry, TasCOSS. In this role, she engages with the members of NHT to contribute to research and consultation on workforce needs and capacity. She also runs her own community consultancy business.
She has peak body experience, serving on the Board for Adult Learning Australia (ALA) for three years; she held positions President (1 year), Vice President (1 year) and was a member of the Finance and Risk Committee. She maintains strong contacts in the North West and West Coasts through her work in the Workforce Coalition Project under the Tasmanian Community Services Industry Plan 2021-2031, which includes working closely with the local Aboriginal communities. Sue has many years of experience working with First Nations peoples across Australia and has been involved in a range of change and transformation initiatives.
Tim Henry
Tim is a qualified Social Worker and leader in community services for over 25 years, with strong connections to the Neighbourhood House Network. He has extensive experience in leadership positions in mental health, child safety and other sectors. He is currently the National Projects Coordinator for Volunteering Tasmania, which gives him experience of working strategically in a peak body. He also works as a casual staff member UTAS in Social Work, supporting students on placement and facilitating unit tutorial classes.. He works as a professional supervisor and consultant with clients including House Manager of his local Neighbourhood House. This work included facilitating a House Managers meeting earlier in 2023r, giving him insight into the changing nature of houses and the role they play and the current context of NHT as it moves to a new governance model. He served on the Board in the 1990’s of the Foster Carers Association of Tasmania (now known as Foster Carers and Kinship Association Tasmania), the peak body for foster carers. He was also a Board member of the Northern Children's Network, a childcare provider with several centres across the state from 2007-2015. His professional roles have required strong understanding of governance, high level oversight and risk and community development. He has been State Manager for the Australian Childhood Foundation; Northern and State Manager for Wellways, a community mental health service; and was in management roles at Relationships Australia Tasmania for over 10 years, working there for a total of 13 years.
Jess Phillips - Treasurer
Liz Brown
Liz has over 20 years of experience in senior leadership roles in human services in organisations making a difference in both the Tasmanian and Queensland communities. Currently, Liz is the Chief Executive Officer at Lifeline Tasmania, and has previously held roles as Chief Executive Officer at Access Community Housing (Cairns), General Manager in Disability Services at Anglicare Tasmania and Aged Care Services at UnitingCare Queensland and senior leadership roles at Calvary Health Care Tasmania.
Liz has extensive experience working on Boards and is currently Deputy Chair of ARC Disability Services, having previously held the role of Chair, leading major governance and risk management reform. She also has peak body experience, serving on the Queensland Shelter Management Committee and a Board member of the Cairns Regional Domestic Violence Service.
She holds governance qualifications having completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) course and has completed the Executive Leader Program at the Said School of Business, Oxford University. She also holds post graduate qualifications in organisational development and post graduate and undergraduate qualifications in nursing.