
Child and Youth Safety

Public Commitment to Child and Youth Safety 

Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania has been funded by DPAC to facilitate engagement between Government and the Network to respond to the Commission of Inquiry, and other Government reforms on addressing child sexual abuse. 

This project is guided by the principles identified by the Tasmanian community services industry, that keeping children safe requires: 

Community Connector Program

The Community Connector Program started out as the Community Care Advisor (CCA) Pilot.

The CCA pilot was born from a growing state-wide need for people to gain better access to the wide range of government and non-government social, welfare and health services. Isolation and mental ill-health in local communities was worsened by the COVID pandemic and the Tasmanian Government committed an additional $2.8 million over two years as a pilot for new family and community supports through Neighbourhood Houses. 

So, Whose Job is it anyway?

So, Whose job is it anyway has been developed by NHT as a way for Board members and House staff to explore and learn about governance and management roles and responsibilities in an engaging and interactive manner.

The board game is available to purchase from NHT through the attached order form

Eating With Friends

Eating with friends is a social eating program that works from a community development framework to create regular social eating opportunities in local communities across Tasmania.

NHT acknowledges the traditional and original owners of the land on which we work and meet, the palawa / pakana of lutruwita / Tasmania. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and acknowledge that this land remains unceded.
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