NHT Resources

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Reports and Submissions

Making a Difference for our Communities

Our Outcomes Report for the Neighbourhood Houses Network for 2016-17

2018 NHT Outcomes Report 2 pager


Governance Video 4 - Board roles

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 The role of every Board Member is to ensure the House, for which you re responsible on behalf of the membership of the Association, and the community, fulfills its purpose. The guiding question for all Board Members should be: "How will this assist the House to Fulfill its purpose?"

Constitution - NHT 2023

The Constitution of Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania - Supporting members to strengthen their communities.

Governance for Purpose - Steve Bowman Masterclass May 2018

Masterclass in Governance for Purpose.  Leading-edge strategies & tactics for nonprofit executives & Board members, presented by Steve Bowman of Conscious Governance in May 2018.


Governance video 6 - Strategic Planning

The boards purpose is to ensure that the House fulfills its purpose, and its purpose is community development.  to achieve this, the Board sets the strategic direction of the House and then monitors that things are on course.

{"preview_thumbnail":"/sites/default/files/styles/video_embed_wysiwyg_preview/public/video_thumbnails/ZZVKFntpvXM.jpg?itok=w2CWW2bt","video_url":"https://youtu.be/ZZVKFntpvXM","settings":{"responsive":1,"width":"854","height":"480","autoplay":1},"settings_summary":["Embedded Video (Responsive, autoplaying)."]}

Governance video 5 - Financial reporting

One of the key roles of being a Board member is to monitor the finances of the organisation.  All board members are responsible for the overall finances of the organisation.

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Governance Video 3 - Governance and Management

Governance is the role of the board.  It has a big picture, strategic focus.

Management is the role of the Manager.  It has a day-to-day operational focus.

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Governance Video 2 The Purpose of a House

Neighbourhood Houses are places where people come together and find support, belonging and purpose.  They work together to support their local community and make a real difference in people's lives.  

Houses are run b y the community, for the community and offer a wide range of programs and activities for local people.  The purpose of the House is Community Development

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Governance Video 1 – The Role of the Board

The purpose of the Board is to ensure the House achieves its purpose.  The purpose of the House is community development.

This video links to the first chapter of the Handbook For Neighbourhood House Boards.


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Meeting Agenda

An agenda template for a Board meeting.

Guide to Board Minutes

A guide to the taking of Board meeting minutes.

Meeting Minutes Template

A template for the taking of Board minutes.

Chairing Meetings

Tips for the Board President on chairing meetings.

Role of the Board President

A summary of the duties and responsibilities of the Board President.

Role of the Board Secretary

A summary of the duties of the Board Secretary.

Board Self Assessment

Checklist to assist the Board self assess its performance.

Induction of Board Members

A checklist for the induction of new Board members.

Handbook for Neighbourhood House Boards

Handbook for Neighbourhood House boards COVERA Handbook for Neighbourhood House Boards.  A fantastic resource, with chapter summaries.  A must have for all board members.

Projects, Reports and Submissions

Everyday Literacy for Local Communities Evaluation

Everyday Literacy for Local Communities (ELLC) project was independently evaluated in 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018 by PDF Management Services Pty Ltd. 


NHT Strategic Plan

NHT's Strategic Plan for 2021-2024 outlining our vision, mission and goals.

Cormac Russell Presentation 1

Cormac Russell Presentation 1 from Wednesday 25 September at Conference 2019

Governance presentation from Tracey

Governance presentation from Tracey at Conference 2019

Governance presentation - Richard Rollins from Quartz

Governance presentation - Richard Rollins from Quartz

Group booking spreadsheet

Spreadsheet for House group bookings for conference

Training room booking form
Friends of NHT Membership form

Friends of NHT membership costs $44.00 per year (inc GST). As a Friend you will receive a copy of our newsletter and invitations to and information about forthcoming events and activities.

External Resources, Governance

Strategic Framework 2019-23 Part 2

Strat Framework Pt 2 - CoverSTRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 2019–2023 PART 2

Achieving, Belonging,

Celebrating, Doing – Community Development in Action

Part 2 of Neighbourhood House Program Strategic Framework 2019-2023 provides an overview of the operations and practice of the Houses. The Strategic Framework has been developed in partnership between the Tasmanian Government and the Neighbourhood House Network, and aligns with the Tasmanian Government and Neighbourhood Houses Shared Commitment to Collaboration: A protocol for working together for the benefit of local communities.

Administrative, Reports and Submissions

2016-17 NHT Annual Report
2017-18 NHT Annual Report
2018-19 NHT Annual Report
2018-19 NHT Financial Statement

Administrative, Projects

Daily Counting Sheet template

Daily Counting Sheet template,  This document can be used to collect daily contacts.  It can then be collated into the Activity Data Template - where the report collates the data for reporting purposes.

Working with Men - Glen Poole AMHF

Working with Men - Glen Poole AMHF - presentation from Conference 2019

Nicole Battle presentation on ANCHA

Nicole Battle presentation on ANCHA given at Conference 2019

Grant Writing - Mike Brindley

Grant Writing Workshop by Mike Brindley from RDA

Cormac Russell Presentation 2

Cormac Russell Presentation 2 - Thursday 26 September 2019

NHT Room Hire Booking Form

To book our training room please complete this form and email to admin@nht.org.au

External Resources, Reports and Submissions

2019 Newstart Inquiry - ANHCA Submission

ANHCA's submission to the Inquiry into the Adequacy of Newstart and related payments and alternative mechanisms to determine the level of income support payments in Australia.

Community development, Reports and Submissions

It's a Starting Point - Community Development... It works beautifully

Stories about the real difference that people and Neighbourhood Houses can make

Our Stories - Stories from Neighbourhood Houses Around Tasmania

Stories of Us. Showcasing success in Tasmania communities.


External Resources

Communique - Kindness

DPAC communique 25 July 2019

House Operations, Projects

Partner survey template

Outcomes Reporting: Partner survey template 

Partner survey instructions

Outcomes Reporting: Partner survey instructions

Participant survey instructions

Outcomes Reporting: Participant survey instructions

Participant survey template

Outcomes Reporting: Participant survey template

Priority Area Template instructions

Outcomes reporting: Priority Area Template instructions

Priority Area Template

Outcomes Reporting: Priority Area Template

Activity Data Template instructions

Outcomes Reporting: Activity Data Template instructions

House Operations, Human resources

Working with Children Check Results

A guide to the results from a Working with Children Check.

Volunteers Guide - Working with Children Check

Guide to the Working with Children Check for Volunteers.

Risk Assessment Process

Department of Justice guide to the impact of different types of criminal record on the Working with Children Check.

Working with Children Check - Paid Workers Guide

Guide to the Working with Children Check for paid workers.

Working with Children Check - Frequently asked questions.

Frequently asked questions about the Working with Children Check.

Exemptions from Working with Children Check

A Department of Justice guide to exemptions from the Working with Children Check.

Employers Guide - Working with Children Check

Guide to verifying a person's Working with Children Check.

Working with Children Check - What gets assessed.

Details of what is assessed when you apply for a Working with Children Check.

Child Care Services Sector Guide

Department of Justice guide for those working in child care services.

Applying for Working with Children Check

Department of Justice guide to applying for a Working with Children Check.

Volunteer Induction - PowerPoint

PowerPoint presentation covering the requirements for Volunteer induction.

Volunteer Induction - PowerPoint Notes

Notes from PowerPoint presentation covering the requirements for Volunteer induction.

Volunteer Induction Record

A sample spreadsheet designed to keep track of when Volunteers are inducted and when updates to training or information are required.

Volunteer Induction Kit

A guide to the induction of Volunteers.

Training Request Form

A sample form for requesting training.

Staff Hiring Process

Step by step guide to hiring staff.

Guide to Staff Development and Performance

Guide to the use of staff performance reviews.

Level 7 - Senior Manager Position Description

A template for the position description of a Senior Manager.

Level 6 - Manager Position Description

A template for the position description of the House Manager.

Level 5 - Assistant Manager Position Description

A template for the position description of a Assistant Manager.

Level 4 - Project Coordinator Position Description

A template for the position description of a Project Coordinator.

Level 4 - Finance-Admin Officer Position Description

A template for the position description of a Finance-Admin Officer

Level 3 - Project Worker Position Description

A template for the position description of a Project Worker.

Level 3 - Administrative Officer Position Description

A template for the position description of an Administrative Officer.

Level 2 - Cleaner - House Worker - Position Description

A template for the position description of a cleaner or House worker.

Level 2 - Assistant Administration Officer Position Description

A template for the position description of an Assistant Administration Officer.

Position Description Templates Overview

A summary of position titles, levels and tasks.

Anti-Discrimination Act 1998
What is Unlawful Discrimination?

Fact sheet on unlawful discrimination.

Anti-discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Information Handbook

Guide to dealing with discrimination, harassment and bullying.

Community development

Neighbourhood Houses Heart of the Community Video (2mins)

Neighbourhood Houses Tas has created a video that promotes the fantastic work done through the 35 Neighbourhood Houses across Tasmania..  There is also a 30 second Community Announcement version below.

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Exploring Community Development with Peter Westoby video (10mins)

Peter Westoby and Tina Lathouras presented the Spiral Method Community Development workshops in June 2019.  Here Peter talked further about Commuinty Development, some history and context around CD.  

{"preview_thumbnail":"/sites/default/files/styles/video_embed_wysiwyg_preview/public/video_thumbnails/_Cq1l81NT70.jpg?itok=PIruC0tG","video_url":"https://youtu.be/_Cq1l81NT70","settings":{"responsive":1,"width":"854","height":"480","autoplay":1},"settings_summary":["Embedded Video (Responsive, autoplaying)."]}

Community Development Resources

Practical resources for Neighbourhood Houses and communities.

Community Development in Action: A Handbook for Neighbourhood Houses is our latest resource, available here electronically or in your Tassie based Neighbourhood House.  Additional copies are available for purchase - please contact nht@nht.org.au to place an order


In a previous project we worked with Tasmania Medicare Local to develop a toolkit in partnership with Kylie Eastley Consultancy, Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania and the Tasmanian Government Department of Health and Human Services .  The Toolkit included an introductory manual and some additional resources

House Operations

Users Rights and Responsibilities Wall Chart

A sample poster covering the rights and responsibilities of House participants and visitors. Available in A3 and A4 formats

Participants' Conduct Wall Chart

A sample poster covering the code of conduct for participants in House activities.

Social Media Guide

A guide to the use and understanding of social media.

Memorandum of Understanding Template

Example of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for use by Houses.

Key Dates Checklist Template

A template for the list of key dates for House activities and requirements.

Food Safety Standards Fact Sheets

Food safety practices as advised by the Australia New Zealand Food Authority.

Risk Management Information Handbook

Information on the types of risk faced by Houses and how to manage them.

Emergency Action Guide

Sample signage for exiting in case of emergency.

House Contact List

A spreadsheet of the contact details for all Neighbourhood Houses in Tasmania

Conflict and Grievance Resolution Information Handbook

Handbook covering conflict and grievance resolution both internal and external.

Governance, House Operations

Strategic Planning Overview

A guide to strategic planning from the Institute of Community Directors Australia.

A Guide to Strategic Planning

A guide on the whys and wherefores of strategic planning.

Role of the Board Treasurer

A summary of the duties and responsibilities of the Board Treasurer.

Role of the Public Officer

A summary of the duties and responsibilities of the Public Officer.

Delegation of Authority

A guide to the delegation of authority between Board and House Management.

Model Rules

Copy of Associations Incorporation (Model Rules) Regulations 2017

Associations Incorporation Act 1964
What is an Incorporated Association?

Fact sheet on incorporated associations.

Example of an Income and Expenditure Statement

An example of an income and expenditure statement (profit and loss statement).

How to Read a Balance Sheet

Information on how to read a balance sheet.

Guide for Community Treasurers

Guide to the role and responsibilities of a Treasurer in the community sector.

Preparing a Budget

Information on how to prepare a budget.

Example of a Basic Budget

An example of the content for a basic budget.

Budgets and Monthly Financial Reports

Guide to budgets and financial reports.

Community development, Governance, House Operations

Methods of Community Engagement

A summary of the different levels or methods of engagement between the House and the community.

A Guide to Community Engagement

A guide for Houses on maintaining a connection between House and community.

Governance, House Operations, Human resources

Role of the Staff Liaison Officer

A summary of the duties of the Staff Liaison Officer.

Role of House Grievance Officer

A summary of the duties and responsibilities of the House Grievance Officer.

Role of House Manager

A summary of the duties and responsibilities of the House Manager.

External Resources, Governance, Reports and Submissions

Tasmanian Government and Neighbourhood House Protocol 2019

Human resources, Policies and Procedures

Checklist - Discrimination, Harassment or Bullying Notification

Checklist for action following notification of discrimination, harassment or bullying incident.

Community development, House Operations

A Guide to Community Engagement
NHT acknowledges the traditional and original owners of the land on which we work and meet, the palawa / pakana of lutruwita / Tasmania. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and acknowledge that this land remains unceded.
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