Vacancy for a Southern Representative on the NHT Board
Dear Neighbourhood House Board Members, Volunteers & Staff
Every House that is a financial member of Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania has the right to nominate a delegate for election to the Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania Board. A delegate must be either an employee or financial member of their House’s Association. The nomination must be proposed by an Executive Committee Member of the House represented.
Please find below the Board Position Description which outlines the roles and responsibilities of NHT Board members, and outlines the significant time and effort required of an NHT Board member. Also below are:
- a board nomination form
- A fact sheet from the Institute of Community Directors Australia about board roles.
There are also lots of resources on the website resources page. Select the Governance option on the left to see appropriate resources, in particular the Handbook for Neighbourhood House boards.
Any person interested, whether board member, staff or volunteer, should discuss your nomination with your House’s Board as the nomination form needs to be signed off by your board (an executive board member) showing that they approve your nomination as a regional representative and that both the House and yourself are agreeing to the time and effort required of the role.
The NHT Board consists of three (3) Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania Board Members (also known as Regional Representatives) from the Northern region, three (3) from North West region, and four (4) from the Southern Region (at least one from each of the South East and South West). Elections are held every two years at the AGM, and the coming AGM in September 2020 is to host an election. This casual vacancy and the person who fills it, will also be able to stand for election again.
Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania Board meetings are held on a six-weekly basis, usually in Campbell Town or Ross. This works out to around eight meetings a year (including a two day Strategic Planning Retreat). NHT covers the costs of travel and there is also a small sitting fee paid for attendance at meetings. Please note that NHT does not cover the costs of Board members attending the NHT conference. The dates for the current meetings are available at:
That official stuff said – we do have a lot of laughs at the board meeting while getting lots done!
If you would like more information about nominating for the Board and the time / work commitment involved, please give Tracey Tasker our Chief Executive Officer a call at the Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania office, or talk to one of the current Board members. The NHT office can put you in touch with them.
Would you please return any signed Board nomination forms:
• to the Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania office by close of business Friday 13th March,
• or in person for the election at the Southern Regional on Monday 16 March.
We look forward to your ongoing support and to working with you for the benefit of our communities.