Neighbourhood Houses
George Town Neighbourhood House

George Town Neighbourhood House - AKA "The Hood", we are a funny bunch of characters that enjoy having a laugh with others, most of the time we laugh at ourselves and crack up at our own jokes. We strive to provide a happy, enjoyable environment where everyone is able to come together and enjoy themselves and be supported.
We pride ourselves on being an organisation that loves to learn and pass knowledge on. we like to know a little bit about everything that relates to supporting our community members therefore no matter where you are starting out, if you have questions or find yourself in a pickle, feel free to contact us for support or guidance.
Our services and activities include:
Welfare (free services)
- Loaves and Fishes - formally Second Bite (weekly)
- Continental Breakfast (daily)
- Sausage Sizzle (weekly)
- Frozen meals (weekly)
Social (mostly free services)
- After school activities with PCYC and a BBQ by City Mission- 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month during school terms
- Social Bingo (Fridays weekly -$2 per book)
- Family Bingo (Tuesdays weekly Free)
- Social Fun ( Friday’s weekly during school term)
- Cooking with Friends ( Thursdays weekly)
- Computer and internet access (daily)
- Massage Chair (daily)
Support (free services)
- L’s tutoring (daily by appointment)
- Centrelink application support (daily by appointment)
- Legal Literacy Volunteers to help fill in forms (daily by appointment)
- Nils Loans (daily by appointment)
PO Box 201
George Town TAS 7253