Child and Youth Safety

Public Commitment to Child and Youth Safety 

Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania has been funded by DPAC to facilitate engagement between Government and the Network to respond to the Commission of Inquiry, and other Government reforms on addressing child sexual abuse. 

This project is guided by the principles identified by the Tasmanian community services industry, that keeping children safe requires: 

  • A focus on the prevention of harm; 
  • Strong, well-connected communities; 
  • Well-supported community organisations; 
  • Transparent and accountable institutions. 

We are committed to our Network of Neighbourhood Houses being safe spaces for children, young people and their families, and supporting the Network of to comply with the Child and Youth Safe Organisation Framework (CYSOF).  

We are committed to learning more and acting to promote cultural safety, and strengthening a diverse Network. 

We are committed to working with Government to promote transparency and hold Government accountable, and to advocate for the Network and its priorities in keeping children safe.  

As part of this work, NHT held community consultations on the first draft of the Change for Children strategy in partnership with TasCOSS in August 2024, and participated in workshops with Department of Premier and Cabinet. As a result of our advocacy, DPAC committed to redrafting the strategy at the end of 2024, with a view to publishing the strategy in March 2025. Our submissions to the strategy can be found here:  

We have also written a Child and Youth Safety Policy, which we are committed to implementing at NHT, and supporting the Network to implement. This will be subject to continuous review and improvement with the help of the Network, the Office of the Independent Regulator, and other sector experts. The current version of the policy can be found here: POLICY LINK 

If you’d like to find out more about this work, please contact Jenni via email on  

NHT acknowledges the traditional and original owners of the land on which we work and meet, the palawa / pakana of lutruwita / Tasmania. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and acknowledge that this land remains unceded.
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