Eating With Friends

Eating with Friends Logo

Eating With Friends (EWF) is a social eating program that works from a community development framework to create regular social eating opportunities in local communities across Tasmania.

EWF is about:
  • bringing people together for a nutritious meal and making new friends
  • reducing social isolation and improving wellbeing by creating regular opportunities for social connection
  • working with communities and volunteer groups to organize and run regular group meals
  • having fun and conversations 

A brief history

The first EWF group started in 2000. It grew out of concern from Meals on Wheels volunteers that so many older people were eating alone. A group of community workers and volunteers looked at ways to bring socially isolated older people together to share a meal and to enjoy the company of others. A lunch group was set up and proved very popular! More information can be found in our 16 Years On Booklet.

Models of EWF groups

There is no fixed format on how an EWF group should be run, just guiding principles. The original 3 models of EWF groups are used as a guide, with individual groups encouraged to address the needs in their own community and utilise their local resources. Groups operate on a cost recovery basis.  

  1. Community Based Model / Eating In:  community groups and volunteers organise and host a meal at a local community venue
  2. Eating Out Model:  groups visit cafes and restaurants, or volunteers host a meal and outsource the meal preparation
  3. School Model:  students organise and host a meal at their school or community venue

The benefits of social eating

The social aspects of meal times have been identified as an integral part of the eating process. Eating as a social activity is a way of connecting and interacting with other people. Social isolation, which is the lived experience of many older people, is identified as a factor that interferes with their ability to eat well. Research shows that the social experience around meal times can make a big difference to appetites (click here to read more about the benefits of social eating).

EWF Action Kit

An Action Kit is available to assist in the establishment of an Eating With Friends (EWF) Group. The EWF concept is a very flexible model that can be adapted across a broad range of locations and interest groups.

For more information about EWF contact:


phone: (03) 6228 6515

What people say about EWF

You can sit next to a total stranger and you end up chatting away like you’ve known them all your life” (participant)

I like helping others.  It makes me feel good about giving something back to the community I live in” (volunteer)

I have made new friends, we do other things together and I look forward to coming along every time.” (participant)

It’s not only what you eat, it’s not only the fun that you have, it’s what you are doing with your heart that makes you really happy." (volunteer)

NHT acknowledges the traditional and original owners of the land on which we work and meet, the palawa / pakana of lutruwita / Tasmania. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and acknowledge that this land remains unceded.
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