Notice is given that a Special General Meeting

Notice is given that a Special General Meeting (SGM) of Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania Inc (ABN: 95 897 499 497) will be held:  

Date: Thursday, 14 September 2023 

Time 10am  

Venues: Online via Zoom and at Neighbourhood Houses Offices, 16b Elmsleigh Road, Derwent Park, Tasmania 7009. 

The purpose of the SGM is to consider and, if thought fit, approve Changes to Neighbourhood Houses Constitution. 


Please RSVP to a zoom link will be sent to you upon registration. 

NHT acknowledges the traditional and original owners of the land on which we work and meet, the palawa / pakana of lutruwita / Tasmania. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and acknowledge that this land remains unceded.
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